City Of Thieves - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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Nic Lamparelli works for a leading US investment bank in London. Starting at the bottom, he rises rapidly through the ranks to reach the pinnacle of his... Lire la suite
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Nic Lamparelli works for a leading US investment bank in London. Starting at the bottom, he rises rapidly through the ranks to reach the pinnacle of his profession. Even at the top, he holds true to his principles while those around him abandon theirs. And that's what makes him special. Soon he has it all: a beautiful girlfriend, a high-flying career, an overpaid City job with a reputation as one of the bank's star analysts.
Then one day he wakes up to find that things can go wrong - fast. His closest childhood friend Jack, also a star in the City, uncovers a plot to implicate Nic in an insider trading ring. And that is just the start. Before long, everything Nic has built up starts to crumble to pieces - his relationship, his career, his reputation. But can he hold true to his principles in the face of everything? Or will he succumb to temptation like so many others...


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Biographie de Cyrus Moore

Cyrus Moore is the writing name for Cyrus Mewawalla, a leading City analyst. After twenty years' experience in the City, Cyrus left corporate banking to set up independently. In 2006 Bloomberg ranked him the No.1 telecom analyst in the UK. He lives in London with his wife and two children.

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