ADHD GO: Treatment & Self-Coaching - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

Eric Anderson

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 Eric Anderson - ADHD GO: Treatment & Self-Coaching.
ADHD GO guides you toward creating your own plan to treat the symptoms of ADHD. ADHD GO is designed for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,... Lire la suite
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ADHD GO guides you toward creating your own plan to treat the symptoms of ADHD. ADHD GO is designed for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but its tactics and self-coaching strategy are universally beneficial for anyone who wants to develop awareness, clarify intentions, and improve life outcomes.  As people with ADHD, we need to approach life differently than neurotypicals. Our condition presents challenges that can impair our daily lives and prevent us from achieving goals.
Learn to overcome those obstacles with effective treatment tactics and self-coaching. Whether you are diagnosed with ADHD or simply want to modify problematic behaviors, this book can help. 


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