A Change In Altitude - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

Anita Shreve


Gabra Zackman


Emma Walton Hamilton


Anna Stone

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Margaret and Patrick, married just a few months, set off on a great adventure - a year living in Kenya. While Patrick practices medicine, Margaret works... Lire la suite
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Margaret and Patrick, married just a few months, set off on a great adventure - a year living in Kenya. While Patrick practices medicine, Margaret works as a photojournalist, capturing a dizzying and sometimes dangerous city on film. When a British couple invites the newlyweds on a climbing expedition to the summit of Mount Kenya, they eagerly agree. But during their arduous ascent a horrific accident occurs.
In its aftermath, Margaret struggles to understand what happened on the mountain and how it has transformed her and her marriage, perhaps for ever. With stunning language and striking emotional intensity, A Change in Altitude illuminates the irrevocable impact of tragedy and the elusive nature of forgiveness.


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À propos des auteurs

Anita Shreve is the author of nine other critically acclaimed and bestselling novels, all published in Abacus paperback. Emma Walton Hamilton is a bestselling children's book author, editor, arts educator, and theater professional, and author of Raising Bookworms: Getting Kids Reading for Pleasure and Empowerment. Together with her mother, Julie Andrews, she has coauthored many books for young readers, including the New York Times bestselling Very Fairy Princess series, the Dumpy the Dump Truck series, Simeon's Gift, The Great American Mousical, and the New York Times bestselling Julie Andrews' Collection of Poems, Songs, and Lullabies, a book for families to treasure and share.

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