The Production and Dissemination of Knowledge in Scotland - La production et la diffusion des savoirs en Ecosse - Grand Format

Edition bilingue français-anglais

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Lesley Graham - The Production and Dissemination of Knowledge in Scotland - La production et la diffusion des savoirs en Ecosse.
This volume aims to show some small part of the breadth of knowledge created in Scotland and disseminated in and outwith the country. This broad field... Lire la suite
14,00 € Neuf
Expédié sous 3 à 6 jours
Livré chez vous entre le 11 février et le 14 février
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This volume aims to show some small part of the breadth of knowledge created in Scotland and disseminated in and outwith the country. This broad field of interest echoes the wider range of subjects traditionally taught in Scottish schools. It attempts to highlight what is distinctive about the Scottish approach to knowledge acquisition in general while also presenting the areas in which this endeavour overlaps with similar concerns in the rest of the world.
The overall impression created is that of a country consistently confident in its ability to create useful knowledge ; capable of applying that knowledge at home and of sharing it with others.


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Le présent volume rassemble 12 contributions qui visent à montrer la spécificité et l'étendue des connaissances produites en Ecosse ainsi que leur diffusion en Ecosse et à...

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14,00 €