Smart(er) Internet Regulation Through Cost-Benefit Analysis - Measuring harms to privacy, freedom of expression, and the internet ecosystem - Grand Format

Edition en anglais

Note moyenne 
"Smarter Internet Regulation" proposes a new way of thinking about the regulation of internet platforms, by requiring a systematic cost-benefit analysis... Lire la suite
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Livré chez vous entre le 15 octobre et le 18 octobre
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"Smarter Internet Regulation" proposes a new way of thinking about the regulation of internet platforms, by requiring a systematic cost-benefit analysis of measures designed to block harmful internet content. Regulatory measures targeting internet intermediaries can create significant side effects that are not fully accounted. Regulatory measures can also prove less effective than anticipated. The risk of regulatory error is particularly high when measures are developed in non-interconnected policy silos, such as copyright, audiovisual policy, online gambling, and data protection.
Inspired by US and European better regulation methodology, "Smarter Internet Regulation" takes the reader through the steps necessary to build a regulatory impact assessment for measures designed to protect citizens against harmful internet content. The book addresses difficult-to-quantify policy objectives, such as fundamental rights and the preservation of the internet ecosystem. The cost-benefit analysis will improve the quality of regulatory measures by making trade-offs more explicit, and allowing best practices to emerge.


  • Date de parution
  • Editeur
  • Collection
  • ISBN
  • EAN
  • Format
    Grand Format
  • Présentation
  • Nb. de pages
    323 pages
  • Poids
    0.574 Kg
  • Dimensions
    15,0 cm × 19,5 cm × 2,1 cm

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Biographie de Winston Maxwell

Winston Maxwell is a partner in the international law firm Hogan Lovells, where he advises clients on digital regulation and data protection.

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