From Ciné-goûters to Screenings for Cinephilie - The Cinemas of the Instituts and the Alliances françaises - Grand Format

Edition en anglais

Note moyenne 
Though the number of works on cultural diplomacy is in general quite substantial, very few concern the production and distribution of films. The cinemas... Lire la suite
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Though the number of works on cultural diplomacy is in general quite substantial, very few concern the production and distribution of films. The cinemas established by French cultural institutions are likewise virtually absent from many studies on the history of cinema, and notably from those on its theaters. By analyzing the distribution systems of French and world cinema which promote local production, and their audiences, all the analyses presented in the book establish an initial assessment on the life of cinemas belonging to the Instituts français and the Alliances françaises.
First spaces of French culture's unilateral influence, then windows onto "cultural diversity, " the history of these theaters is certainly complex. We preferred to approach it and render it with all of its contradictions. First spaces of French culture's unilateral influence, then windows onto "cultural diversity, " the history of these theaters is certainly complex. We preferred to approach it and render it with all of its contradictions.


  • Date de parution
  • Editeur
  • Collection
  • ISBN
  • EAN
  • Format
    Grand Format
  • Présentation
  • Nb. de pages
    315 pages
  • Poids
    0.524 Kg
  • Dimensions
    16,0 cm × 24,0 cm × 1,8 cm

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In the book establish an initial assessment on the life of cinemas belonging to the Instituts français and the Alliances françaises.

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From Ciné-goûters to Screenings for Cinephilie - The Cinemas of the Instituts and the Alliances françaises est également présent dans les rayons

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