Tomato - E-book - Multi-format

Edition en anglais

Minimalist Kitchen

Note moyenne 
TOMATOES Perhaps you feel like eating tomatoes. Maybe you've seen beautiful stands of them at your local store. Or maybe you've already bought some... Lire la suite
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TOMATOES Perhaps you feel like eating tomatoes. Maybe you've seen beautiful stands of them at your local store. Or maybe you've already bought some tomatoes that you really don't know what to do with. Perhaps you're just looking for something a little different. Well, you're in luck today. This little book specializes in tomatoes and offers you 20 of the best and simplest recipes that exist. Italian, Greek, exotic, traditional...
choose your style! Tomatoes are delicious and really easy to cook, raw or not, and can be accompanied with anything. Our motto is quite simple: 5 ingredients maximum - 3 step instructions. Only simple, minimalist, quick, and healthy recipes centered on tomatoes as an ingredient. This book contains 20 recipes for you, all vegetarian and/or vegan to help you reach that healthy life you dream of. Sometimes simple is the right answer.
So, take care of your health right now and every day to follow. By reading this book you can stop wasting time and hard-earned money. Change isn't easy, but it can be simple. It can be as simple as a minimalist cookbook. Order your copy now and let's get started!


  • Date de parution
  • Editeur
  • ISBN
  • EAN
  • Format
  • Caractéristiques du format Mobipocket
    • Protection num.
      pas de protection
  • Caractéristiques du format ePub
    • Protection num.
      Digital Watermarking
    • Transferts max.
    • Imprimable
      01 page(s) autorisée(s)
    • Copier coller
      01 page(s) autorisée(s)
  • Caractéristiques du format Streaming
    • Protection num.
      pas de protection

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