Dr. Wisdom for President: Beyond Wisdom - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

Dr. Wisdom Zerit Teklay

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 Dr. Wisdom Zerit Teklay - Dr. Wisdom for President: Beyond Wisdom.
Dr. Wisdom for President: Beyond Wisdom-Leading with Wisdom: Beyond Politics" is an enlightening journey into the profound insights of Dr. Wisdom Zerit... Lire la suite
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Dr. Wisdom for President: Beyond Wisdom-Leading with Wisdom: Beyond Politics" is an enlightening journey into the profound insights of Dr. Wisdom Zerit Teklay, a visionary leader and healer. As an Eritrean-American polymath, Dr. Teklay transcends traditional scholarship, offering a unique blend of spiritual guidance and transformative wisdom. This book does not delve into medical advice; instead, it serves as a guiding light for those seeking personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.
Through his pioneering work, Dr. Teklay has established himself as a catalyst for social transformation. His intellectual depth and commitment to natural medicine and peace education are evident throughout the book. The establishment of Amazoxa Peace University is a testament to his dedication to giving voice to the marginalized and driving impactful change in society. In these pages, readers will find a treasure trove of wisdom that transcends politics and conventional thought.
It's a call to action for anyone seeking to contribute positively to the world while embarking on a journey of personal discovery and emotional well-being. "Dr. Wisdom for President" is more than a book; it's a movement towards a more enlightened and inclusive world."


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Biographie de Dr. Wisdom Zerit Teklay

Dr. Wisdom Zerit Teklay, an Eritrean-American polymath, philosopher, and founder of Amazoxa Peace University, embodies influential change. His philosophy, Zerit-Tonianism, advocates for social transformation, peace, and natural medicine. With a holistic approach to wellness, Dr. Teklay emphasizes the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. As a visionary educator, he empowers individuals and promotes global harmony.
His groundbreaking philosophy and dedication to healing and education reflect his passion for wisdom and knowledge. For more information on his entrepreneurial endeavors, visit his business page at:https://g.co/kgs/9vY3ajhttps://wa.me/message/MHFABY26GTQUF1Petition:https://www.change.org/AbolishTheNaturalBornRequirmentClerk's Office of Dr. Wisdom Zerit TeklayPresident of Amazoxa Peace UniversityPresident of Wisdom People PartyOffice Number: +1 (615)-970-1832Email: zeritprrcw@gmail.com 

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